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Cast Away


Cast Away is a team building theme that will require participants to build a boat using only barrels and wood.

What will happen during Cast Away?

Cast Away is a boat created from barrels and wood. The boat will be built using manuals and the tools that they earned by playing several team building activities. At the end of the day there will be a race and the mission will be to reach the end point. The boat must be floating throughout the race.

Learning and Development Outcome

This theme teaches how to work as a team. Each individual will have a different role in building their parts. The target of this theme is to teach them team work and how to communicate with each other. They learn how to plan ahead and how to distribute the tasks among them.

Cast Away! Is a great team building exercise. For more information call us at 01223575508 or send us on

For Saudi Arabia Call us at  +966562314297 or send us on

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