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Bridge to the Future
Bridge to the Future is a bridge created from carton. The bridge will be built using manuals and the tools that they earned by playing several team building activities. The bridge consists of different parts and each team will be assigned to build one of these parts.
What will happen during Bridge to the Future?
Each team will have a team leader chosen from within the team. A facilitator will be assigned to each team to give them instructions.
Each team will exchange their points or money to gain or buy the tools from the market to build their part of the bridge.
The teams will build the bridge on their own using different tools as scissors, carton, duct tape and many more.
After each team has built his part, all parts will be connected to each other. The bridge will be tested using a beach buggy or a golf cart.
Learning and Development Outcome
This theme teaches how to work as a team. Each individual will have a different role in building their parts and after finishing it he/she can see the value of what they achieved. They learn how to plan ahead and how to distribute the task among them.
Bridge to the Future! Is a great team building exercise. For more information call us at 01223575508 or send us on info@360Solutionsegypt.com
For Saudi Arabia Call us at +966562314297 or send us on info@360experientialsolutions.com